No add-on A/C units, no faded decals dented cracked or broken damaged outer RV shell damage. The camper must be clean and in good repair.

Note: We do not take responsibility for power surge damage. Often power surges have nothing to do with the campground. It is best for all RV owners to buy a top-rated surge protector for the safety of your electronics.

No excessively loud cars, trucks, or motorcycles.

Scroll down for all rules.

Resort Amenities

Scroll Down for important PET RULES



50 Amp Service, Sewer, and Water

  • Pull-thru RV sites
  • Free Private Lake Hamilton iBoat Ramp 
  • Free Wifi
  • Call 501-767-7946
  • Shower House 
  • Laundry


    Complete Park Rules


    1. Your site rent includes water, electricity, sewer, and wireless Internet.

    Please pay on time, or we will evict you. Your RV site "utility rental" is for one month only (no extended contracts). The rent is due on the date you first paid. We advise you to protect your electronics with a surge protector. We add $25 to your rent if you use an additional box plug.


    2. Your monthly or tent agreement is for two (2) people. You must inform the office if you have a long-term or long-term guest. Unregistered guests cannot hang out at your camper or site if you are not present. Up-charge of $75.00 a mo. for each person over the first two (regardless of age).


    3. Quiet Hours are from 10 P.M. till 7 A.M. except on holidays from 11 P.M. -7 A.M. Please be considerate of your neighbor: no outdoor music or loud talk at any time. We are a seasonal park, not a daily recreational park: NO Drunks Police will be called, and you will be evicted. Your children (16 & under) and any guest visiting children must have supervision and an adult present with children at all times. No children under 16 can operate a vehicle, including golf carts and ATVs on our grounds.


    4. In Hot Springs, water use determines our sewer charges. Water leaks, even drips, can be costly. Ask about washing RV or Cars (no using water for pools or child play without permission). Ask about any extra water usage.


    5. Restricted animals are Dobermans, Rottweilers, Pit Bulls, American Bullies, American Bulldogs, and all clench-bite breeds. Leashed, walked, and picked up after—pets outside only if you are with them at all times or eyes on them from inside. Pets must not bark to the distraction of their neighbor.


    6. You can keep a boat and trailer on your site. All vehicles must be kept in your area between service polls. Please do not infringe on your neighbor's RV site or driveways. If you or your guest block an adjoining RV site and we cannot get a camper in, we will have the car, boat, or truck towed at the owner's expense.


    7. Your RV site must be neat and clean of non-camping items. You can have up to two under-camper storage in neutral or dark-colored plastic bins.


    8. Your RV and vehicles must be clean and in good repair.


    9. Not responsible for accidents. Your RV's and vehicles must be insured.




    If you lose your copy of these rules, you can see them at at the Rules tab.


    I, the undersigned, have read & agree to abide by the rules.



  • We use a plan we call "The RCs," which is to prefer and reserve primarily for Return Campers.